Y'know that kinda feeling when you're really expecting something and then suddenly the plan changes and you just lose that something that you've been looking forward to? That kind of feeling where you literally feel your heart sink and hit rock bottom and you just wanna find a comfy corner to just suck it all up.
I hate that. I hate anticipating for something and I know that I can't help but to do that sometimes. Like, that kind of disappointment just, pisses the hell out of you. Urgh. I don't know why but I'm feeling this way over something minor. Something really, really tiny. But I guess because I just don't have the time to do the things I like to do anymore, any chance to do something exciting (even if its just a trip to the grocery shop) would really be the highlight of my day. And I dunno, if there were to be a change of plans, I'd just, I dunno, feel really really terrible. #thingsihate
I'm not perfect, I'm no saint, I can be really unreasonable at times. The things that I get angry over might be trivial to you guys. But hey, I'm only human right?
Frankly speaking, if I were to make a list of all the things that I hate, then, its gonna be longer than the Great Wall Of China, for sure. But seriously, I can't stand it when people do this:
"Uh...hmm..nothing/y'know what? Nevermind."
Like, #dafuq? Don't make the matter sound so important in the first place when all you're going to do is waste my energy thinking about the many thousand worst-case scenarios! I hate it, seriously. This has to be the top few of #thingsihate. Some people might find it funny but, I DON'T, dammit. Urgh, feeling so pissed right now. Might just go on a verbal rampage on the next person that pushes the wrong buttons. Or some people would just go all "OMG I FOUND OUT SOMETHING SURPRISING!" and then when you ask them what it is, they tell you shit like "Ahhh, nevermind, I'm afraid it'll affect your mood." C'mon, don't be a coward, just tell me straight up to my bloody face.
I mean, c'mon. You make the thing sound so serious and then you just brush it off with a "Oh, nevermind..." statement. Hello, am I supposed to take you seriously ever again?! I'm not acting this way because I'm pissed. Joyous mood or not, I hate it when people do such things to me.
If you didn't take it seriously in the first place, then maybe I never will take you seriously ever again.
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