Friday, 6 July 2012


Hai, how's everybardee doing so far? So many things going on now. Oh gosh. Ended my Preliminary Examination 1 awhile back. So that probably explains the hiatus. THAT and I think I must've forgotten about this site for awhile. Hohoho. Anyway, last week (or was it before that..) I sat for my O Levels Chinese Oral. Oh manzxc, I screwed up big time. I kept stammering, I couldn't think of replies fast enough, couldn't really understand my examiner's questions. And all my answers that I thought of in my head were in English so I had a mini panic attack trying to translate all the words. Hmmm.... But I've decided to put all that behind my and just move forward.

So after our prelims, which ended earlier than majority of the cohort, my class had 2 days off of school! Monday was a public holiday and there was no school for us on Tuesday. (WHEE) So I spent my Monday at home doing art and watched Spiderman with le family. (OMG, Andrew Garfield makes me melt) and went to celebrate Cheryl Lim's birthday on Tuesday.

Oh mannnn, talking about that, it was an epic day. We had initially planned the outing on Monday but then CL couldn't make it so we shifted it to the next day. Thenthen, we had planned to fly kites! But when I woke up that morning, it was gloomy and dark. WTF. Disappointing much. So we changed the plan to renting movies and chilling at Hay's. Watched Vampire Suck and The Cat (A Korean horror show) I'd say, my clique is weird. Our tastes in music, books, movies and clothes are different. I'm more of an anti-chick flick/romance, action/horror/thrill (for movies), anti-laces (for clothes), anti-romance (for books) kinda girl. I'm more of a action/horror/thrill/spikes/skulls/rock/zombie kinda person. But my clique tend to be the opposite. Then there are a few of us that are neutral. So, imagine the scene of 5 of us deciding on a movie to watch. It was pretty hilarious.

Today's Eileen's birthday, went all over Nex to get the stuffs and surprised her after orals. Feel really guilty for forgetting her birthday for 2 years straight. (IKR, what kind of friends are we...) I srsly hope she likes today's surprise! Anyway, hope you guys are okay. (Are you guys even human??)


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