Sunday 3 June 2012


I'm trying to look at things at another angle this year. I'm trying to be happy, like, genuinely happy. Not the "happy in front of my friends" happy.

Sorry for the random picture. Its just, it was cute. (: SOOO, chinese O's were...reasonable. I guess. Went to the long-awaited Seoul Garden for a BBQ/Steamboat after the papers. It was fun and I must admit, the marinated fish was......heavenly. ;P

Been having "Intensive" school sessions for the past week. Well, I suppose all graduating students go through the same routine. We get only 2 weeks for holiday instead of the usual 4. ): And I sort of agree with the "Intensive" cos we've been having art for....everyday. Till 5. So all the d&t students can go home and do whatever they want while the poor art kiddos gotta stay behind, imprisoned in the art room. Seriously, by the time I get back home, I hardly have any energy left in me to do anything else. ):

Just wanna collapse on bed and sleeeeeeep. #lifeofasec4kid no? ):

Okay, uhmm, abrupt ending for now. Wanna go back to fangirling over my boy bands. Gawd, I wanna see The Wanted so badly.

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