Sunday, 7 April 2013


Hello blog, I have less than 2 weeks before i officially start school! And I'm feeling really nervous about it. ): again, because i don't see myself to be as pretty as the other girls in my class. I really feel like ugly betty plus, poly don't have uniforms so i'm really shaking on the inside....have never really saw myself as someone who would crumble under such minor problems. But as i grew older, i guess, i changed. But i'm trying to stick with one of my principles of life: Grades over looks. I don't like this me. I don't like how i feel so easily upsetted over things like that. I never used to care what bag i brought to school, and even when i went out with my friends, i never wrecked my brain over what to wear as hard as i am right now. ):

Don't wanna fill this space up with so much negativity but i guess i don't really have a choice. Is it weird for me to be saying that owning a blog is much safer than owning a diary? I know a blog is world-wide and all, but i really did try to keep diaries before. They always, always end up getting read by someone in the household. Ugh. And those childish diaries with locks and secret combinations? They work too well on me cos i end up forgetting the combination/losing the key. Damn.

Feeling really unhappy with myself. I can state 10 features about me which makes me really devastated till i feel like crying. Gonna keep those to myself before i burst into tears.....or if someone happens to stumble along and laugh at my insecurities. (Well, fuck you then.)

//Sidenote: I GOT MY SCHOLARSHIP!! Wheeee

Okay, onto a proper update about my life: Had zero days of work this week which is good in a way so that my slacking will be at its finest and i will have  p l e n t y  of time to myself. The downside, of course is that i have NO MONEY to earn. Yesterday i spent my day with le twinz shopping! Met at gardens for lunch then had charyl with us till about 5+. FEP was depressing depressing yesterday. So quiet plus i couldn't find anything nice. Not until i headed to ION and 313. Where i spent almost a hundred bux.......what did i buy?
-  Pair of red shorts
-  Manicure set
-  Pair of maroon jeans
-  A t-shirt
-  A pair of shoes.
About time i cleared my wardrobe. ): my uniforms are taking up a lot of space in my pathetic wardrobe. And gotta clear my bookshelf and my table and the drawers under my bed......damn i'm getting more depressed.

KAY I KNOW WHAT TO DO. Just gonna clear all the things stated above ^ and do some excersise. And when i've accomplished at least 2 things then i'll come back to blog.

1. Go to the gym/pool/park
2. Pack bookshelf
3. Pack table
4. Pack drawers under le bed
5. Pack wardrobe.

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