Monday 20 August 2012


Hey dear blog, sorry to have gone MIA for such a long time! So many thing's been happening and of course, with the national exams just round the corner, I honestly didn't have time to update. -blows dust-

Okay, first up, my 16th birthday was celebrated with my friends and they gave me a huge bag of presents and a helium filled balloon. Had to take the train home that day so it was pretty awkward. Didn't have time to take photos, but I practically got everything I liked. Aww.. ('; love my bbygirls so much.

And last Friday, got back my chinese O level results. Got a A2 for my written paper and a distinction for my oral and listening. Yay! The scary part? I dreamt that I got such grades! Apparently my A2 isn't good enough for the school so I do need to retake it at the end of the year. An A1 is only 5 marks more that an A2. So why not?

Thats all for now, fucking need a shopping spree BECAUSE THE SCHOOL FINALLY HAS PROM!

Hehe. kaaaayyy

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