Friday 6 March 2015

Post exam life!

Okay let's start from the day i ended my exams

25 Feb:
Ran an afternoon of errands after my paper (buying rachel's present, make up remover...) and went home for a short tv sesh with the mother before leaving the house again for gbtb to celebrate rachel's 19th!


Family photo as usual

27 Feb:
CNY gathering at nehneh's house and didn't take any photos boohoo. But we had steamboat again and we watched movies. Then we (morris, pri and i) got stranded at cck because the train broke down twice. So we walked to yew tee to pri's house while i waited for the parents to pick me up. We watched some pretty cool videos and i wanted to play with her frogs :(

2 March
Went out shopping with momma and she bought a pair of shoes! I had a job interview at raffles and thank god i got the job! I was so happy when i was offered to sign the contract immediately after the interview was over. Glad to say i am back to being a yogurt girl! I hope that everyone will be as nice and as welcoming as the people in Menchie's. :(

3 March
Watched Kingsmen with bestie before he leaves for china for 5 weeks. (Goodluck with your 2nd language and all the cockroaches hiak) and he got me a purple lipstick from Korea!

4 March
Went for my ftt at 9am and i failed by a mark fml. But its okay, i had lunch with moma and sissy at Swenson's and then i went home and slept for 4 hours.

5 March
Went out with Judith and Renu after their paper and had a nice time :)

Okay i'm sorry if this post is nothing but "diary entries" because life after exams = spending time with the people around me.

The number of days i spend NOT beating myself down and feeling depressed are increasing. And i know this is just a phase, but it's nice to remind myself that there are days that i go through actually being genuinely happy and enjoying myself.

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