Thursday 19 March 2015

Last night was probably the worst experience ever. And i know it will be unprofessional of me to disclose everything here but i just want to vent it all out.

Initially i thought that it was because i wasn't orientated enough in this new environment and therefore i messed up 3/4 of the day. Then i started beating myself down and eventually bullied myself to the point of actually making myself cry. (I am probably the biggest bully i have ever came across lol.)

But now that a series of things have happened, i realised that in fact, i should not feel embarrassed about anything. At least i am brave enough to tell the world i messed up. And i try my best to learn from things.

I did stand up for myself. But some people are just downright disgusting.

There's not much for me to do if the word 'legal' is going to be pulled in. Can't rectify much if a signature is required for me at every single step.

At the end, it's situations like this that i come to see who is "nice" and who's genuinely nice. Someone should have said something. But everyone, once again, left me to rot and die by myself.

Thanks guys. Yes, i will be much better off without y'all.

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