Monday 5 January 2015

Back to Square 1

Found a pretty notebook from ages ago and decided i will write down what makes me happy everyday.....then it's January 5. So, one of my new year resolution has broke.

Whatever. Who needs resolution right? Right.

As i look back, i realised just how close i am to my "dream". I am officially 2 years away from my "dream job", well, if going for an internship counts as working. So many things changed in the span of 12 months. I would like to say i made new friends more than i lost old ones. But unfortunately, i have lost quite a few close friends. But then again, not all that you lose is considered a loss right? Right.

It's time to let go. And it's time to move on. No time for regrets, no space for regrets. 2014 was an eye opener for me and i got to experience so many new things in school and with friends. Hopefully, 2015 will bring the same, if not more, adventures like 2014.

The only thing i aim to achieve this year is to spend less time being depressed and more time cherishing everything and everyone. I have lost a few people in my life, it's time to embrace the ones that are left.

I pray that for the courage and the strength to finish yet another year. I pray for the strength to guide me through good times and bad.

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