Friday 12 September 2014

"Why are we friends?"

Just decided to pen down some thoughts about friendship. Taking a break from my updates. This post is not targeting anyone in particular. Just some words my brain would like to say.

People often ask me why i'm friends with xxx. Why i'm friends with her, why i'm friends with him. What so good about xxx. Whether i'm scared to be friends with a lesbian. Why am i friends with homosexuals.

And to all that, i say: I'm not sure. XXX is a nice person. You just need to know him/her better.

It took me a long time to figure this out but i finally did it.

When i am friends with someone, i don't care about looks or wealth. I care a lot about personality. I don't see a friend as a person but as what the person is on the inside. I look at the soul.

You can have bad breath, bad fashion sense or come from a poor family. I don't care. The soul is pure, the personality is good. Why can't we be friends?

I often try to look at the person's good side. Try to understand where they come from, their rationale behind whatever they do.

But in every relationship, it takes two hands to clap. I try my best to be there for you 24/7. I try to pick you up when you are down. I try to understand you. I try to be nice. I try to be your friend. But in return, its only fair if you do the same.

I know myself. I don't forgive easily. But it's easier for me to forgive than for me to forget. I can forgive all the hurt you cause me, but its very difficult to forget that you did it to me. Its a bad habit but i like to see it as a way of keeping myself safe. Because yknow, "once bitten twice shy" right.

(its hardest to forgive myself but that's another story for another day)

It hurts me too. To cut people off from my life. But i hope its for the best. If we're not beneficial to each other's growth in life, then what's the point in carrying on when its going to hurt us all in the end?

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