Tuesday 9 September 2014

18th Birthday

Apologies if i took so long to write here. Been swamped with assignments and exams ended about 2 weeks ago. Anyway, i feel that my 18th birthday was a special occasion. And i really appreciated the efforts my friends made just to keep me happy.

I remember that week was close to Marketing ICA submission and my group had basically screwed up the entire presentation (pls don't ask about my grades for that test) and i kinda assumed the role of the editor and collater(?) of the project. I was swimming in all the reports and projects from other modules. It was the first time in a looong time i actually felt stressed. I hardly ever feel stressed because i refuse to let myself feel so.

Plus, the parents were vacationing in Malaysia that week. Which means they weren't going to be home to celebrate my birthday with me.

But, the sister bought my favourite foods almost every night that week. From pasar malam snacks to peach tarts to a green tea feast once the clock strike 12 on my birthday! She also downloaded the whole TeenTitans series and the american version of Ju On.

Chubbz and twin appeared at my doorstep at midnight too with a big cake! It was totally unexpected and yes i closed the door on their faces. (But the sister urged me to open it for them haha) they chilled at my house for a while and we took polaroid photos too! I actually feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside just writing this hehe. I was so touched that night even though i may not have shown it.

Then, in the morning, i met up with the marketing group to continue our project. (Because i have such an exciting birthday i do projects on my birthday morning) and met up with the jags for a movie! We caught Ju-On 3, the japanese version. Which was kinda disappointing. When i met them though, sneaky Morris had pretended to meet me at the MRT gantry before walking me to this area at iON where the jags were hiding with a giant cupcake balloon, cupcakes from 12 cupcakes and a box of handwritten notes with sweets and coffee biscuits and photos of us with my face, Benedict Cumberbatch's face and Teen Titans stuck all over it. (Again feeling warm and fuzzy on the inside)

It was a short celebration and Iris wasn't there. But it's okay because we're having our staycation next week again!!

Also, did i mention i share my birthday with Eva?? We're a year apart if she was born earlier/i was born later how cool would that have been??

Okay i think i'll end my post here. Will probably continue to update this space but more frequently now that school's out for now. :)

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