Friday 4 April 2014


Spent the week before this being sick. Oh gosh i wasn't even gone that long and i have soo many events to write about! Okay, lets go on a chronological order: USS, Elgin's 18th, Divergent with GT, Morris's cheer leading competition, GT's 18th and PFP orientation 2014!

USS - 25 march
My virgin trip to USS with the secondary school peeps! It was really unexpected because despite talking about it with chin ee like 2341256 times, i honestly did not think he would get the tickets for us! So a total of 13 of us went that day. (25th March, tuesday!) The girls were Hay, Low, GT, Rachel, the twin and i. The guys that went were Chin ee, Darren, Hongyi, Maverick, Elson, Aloy and Huan Huat.

Met them at vivo at 10am in the morning. I was really excited to be going to USS but waking up at 8 to get ready was just really really difficult. I have officially been reduced to a grumpy and cranky morning person. ): Walked from Habourfront/Vivo to USS. First ride was Transformers which we had to queue for 50mins!! I am a really impatient person and yes i have mentally prepared myself for the horrendous queuing time and also repeatedly told myself that i might spend 50% of my time there queuing. ): But nothing i did, or what others said about the queues could ease my bubbling annoyance for the queue. After the 4D ride which i had already screamed by lungs and throat out, we went to the Mummy ride. The Transformers ride really made me want to rewatch all three shows again. Given the waiting time, maybe i could. Okay no i'm joking bahahaha. It was pretty scary especially the part where our "car" fell off a building. And the decepticons were in our faces???!!?!?!

It was a really sunny day and we walked to the Mummy ride. I loved the queuing time for this ride: 5 minutes. We sat twice. I sat beside Chinee on the first row with Elson and Huan Huat. Everyone was telling me how the 1st row is super "fun". I fully comprehend that sentence now. Even the double meanings. Sitting that ride for the first time was whatthefuck for me because it was so scary plus i was at the first row!!!! Even before the loops and turns i already screamed at the part where the robotic mummy jumped out. #jypls. I can sit through a scary movie without flinching but i jump at the sight of a ROBOTIC MUMMY???

Headed to the Jurassic Park ride next where it was a water ride! We had to sit on this round floaty thingy like in USS except it was not inflatable. The ride was about going into the labs where they developed the dinosaurs and then suddenly something went wrong. The last part of the ride was when the our "float" went down a mini waterfall. Water splashed at us but i was thankful that my side-i sat in between rachel and gt-did not get the brunt of the impact. Twin, hay and low and the three other women got wet. Hay was much more soaked among all of us hehe.

Then we went for lunch. Passing by a group of hip hop dancers on the way out. Had lunch at Astons with the girls because we didn't have the feel-or money-for the pizzeria the boys were eating at. After we came back, we managed to snag a photo or two with Frankenstein!

I really like this photo!

Too bad he loved his job more than me so we went our separate ways.

Sat some easy going Elmo ride, the Shrek roller coaster which was so much more enjoyable than the Mummy....hahah...and then watched the 4D Shrek and Donkey short film where they sprayed us with water-at least i prayed it was plain water- it was really cute! Walked around for a bit more and found the Madagascar mascots!

Okay obviously we were not prepared for the photo. The lady didn't even say "lights camera action!" like they were supposed to to tell us to get ready. ):

Walked around while waiting for the guys because we split. It was a sunny day (have i mentioned that before?) But nonetheless we still camwhored like the gurlx we are hehe 

But after a while the girls and i got really tired and exhausted. So we decided to leave the compound first and head back to civilisation-jk we went back to vivo-for a drink and dinner. But before we left the place, we took some group photos with the Hershey's mascot!

Brought the girls to Pasir Panjang's food centre for dinner after a short window shopping trip round vivo. Headed home after and had a really great sleep that night! Thank you for getting the tickets for us chinee!!

Elgin's 18th x Divergent-27 & 28 March
Basically we went to Timbre for dinner but i felt that i had to write about this day because it was...kind of a fail. Met Alphy and Craig and Elgin's poly friends at city hall mrt and waited for Szesiang. This joker made us all arrive at 7.30 when he came at 7.45. Made our way to Timbre @ Substation. But got a call from the twin that she was at the Clarke Quay's outlet.....

SS waited for them at city hall's mrt then walked them over. We had the roasted duck pizza and drinks. I had the Singapore Sling which i didn't really like because it started tasting like medicine at the middle. ): Alphy had Sex on the Beach and i really liked his drink! Twin had mudslide which was just Bailey's. SS had lime mojito i think. And Elgin had Erdinger. Craig doesn't drink. Recommended him to get a mocktail but elgin forgot to place his order. Headed home after. (: Met Gt the next day for Divergent! Too much romance and didn't really like it.

Morris's cheer competition - 29 march
That saturday, the YA came over for a short movie session in the morning. The sister ordered pizza from Domino's and made ice cream sandwiches and orange jello. Well, in short i spent my whole day eating. Then in the afternoon, went to watch Morris and the NYP Grizzlers perform at Downtown East's D'Marqee centre! 


Watching a cheer leading competition is really different. Firstly i actually got to see them throw and catch girls live which was kinda amusing and fascinating. But scary! And the gymnastic moves were so cool!! I think my favourite was the back handspring. Saw teams from other asian countries like Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia etc. And also the other polys like RP-which clinched the first place-TP and SP. There was also NUS and NTU. Went for dinner with the girls because Morris had to stay for the prize giving ceremony.

GT's 18th - 31 march
I think i'm going to write a separate post for her because i feel if i added it in with this post, its going to be repulsively long post.

NYP PFP Orientation 2014 - 3 apr
Was selected to be the OGL for this pfp camp! Was looking forward to it before because i have never been an OGL in my life and i was so happy to graduate from PFP hehe. Plus majority of the class is in the planning committee. Iris being the president of it.

Reported in school at 8am and after the talks, met my class which were super quiet and awkward. O_O Thankgod there was Pri and Van there with me! Met a really sweet girl called Sophy/Sophie/Sofy/Sofie??? Even though she is slightly visually impaired, she is so optimistic and talented! Learned that she plays the violin-currently at the grade 6 level-not for examination purpose but  for performance purposes. She is also a competitive swimmer. And on top of that she is in the top 10% of NA students nationwide-well so was i-and all these given her condition??? Respect!

Needless to say, when i'm with my jags we always take pictures. 
I actually like this picture hehe

Hi my name is jingyi and i am a koala bear

Hello Kristian!


Met gt, twin and hay at suntec after for dinner. Missed my stop at Dhoby so i decided to alight at Raffles instead. Then i realised it was the wrong stop fml and had trouble finding the right platform to take a train back a stop to City Hall where i then walked the wrong path because i ended up taking the longer route via Citylink mall fml. Made it to Suntec grumpy, cranky, angry, hungry and sweaty. All of which i was going through when i was attempting to find the right platform back at Raffles mrt. After dinner which cheered me up quite a lot but not enough to give me my energy back, we walked over to Millenia Walk for some desserts. Ended up at starbucks lol where i had a caramel frap. Went home, showered and read Chris Kuzneski's Sword Of God as a bedtime story. I fall in love with Payne and Jones all over again when i read his books. Alright thats about it!

Thank you for sitting through this ridiculously long post hehe

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