Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Update: The Jaguars / Poly Life

In a blink of an eye, i am going to complete the first semester of my first unofficial year in poly. O_O

(wait whuuut?)

Anyway, this sem has been one hell of a roller coaster ride, filled with ups and downs. (Okay, mostly ups. Yay!) And this has been the longest time i have spent apart from my clique in secondary school. Yeah sure, eventually i will have to leave them. I just didn't think it will be so soon. But i am thankful for the friends i made here in NYP. Sure, NYP isn't exactly the best poly in sg but i'm still thankful nonetheless for the Jaguars:

Our first ICA!
They have been such a treasure to me and i am so thankful for their patience and guidance and tolerance towards me. From my never ending fantasy of building a spaceship to my monthly bitch fits i throw, they have always been there for me and i am so so so thankful to God for bringing them into my life. (:

I am supposed to be studying since sem exams are two freaking weeks away but on the account that i've been meaning to write this post, can we please ignore the words "exam" and "study" for tonight?

I know i was so paranoid about not being able to make any friends and be normal but my fears dissipated into thin air the moment i met these guys. Not saying that my friends aren't normal, but lets just say i appreciate their uniqueness and ability to look at things from a different angle. I remember me opening up to Pri, Kerwin and Mel about how i used to cut back in secondary school and it just struck me how i was so ready to open up.

I want to thank everyone that made me laugh so hard abs are starting to form (okay not literally,) and make my day so enjoyable. I haven't dreaded going to school yet so far and no drama has been aroused yet. I want things to be kept this way and for us to laugh everyday. As bimbotic as it sounds, all i want for us is to laugh our days away.

Hey Priyah, thank you for being there for me all the time and entertaining me and my space ship fantasy. Remember how we studied in school that night while waiting for mel & kerwin to get through their auditions? And how we exchanged ghost stories and spooked each other out! Thanks for agreeing with me to go to town just to get my pay after school that day. And thanks for always being so understanding. You are such a gem and i am so thankful you're always there for me.
I know how insecure you are sometimes but do know that you are so strong and so gorgeous (on the inside and out). Don't let anyone get you down. Fight for what you want, for the ones you love. Be strong, heads up and live it our proudly.

Hello Asyura! You're the first friend i made during orientation and how you witnessed my un-glamorously late entrance into the lecture theatre because i was soo late on my first day of orientation! You've stuck with me since that day and became my partner for every pair work hehe. You kanchiong spider.  <3

Hi "boyfriend" you are by far the most hilarious person i have ever met and you're one of the reasons why i always look forward to coming to school. You, your jokes and that diva attitude always make my day. You've never failed to make me laugh everyday in school. Albeit life without you would be quiet hehe but do know i appreciate your company. <3 You have such a strong character so don't let anyone make you feel like you're not worth it. Because you are. 

Hi vanessa! I have a photo of us in our formal wear but you look so cute in this picture i couldn't resist posting it! I remembered how we clicked immediately because of our common like in "The Walking Dead". How we spazzed over Daryl. And we also watched the same animes! You have no idea how much you make me laugh with your unexpected bitch rebuts and perverted jokes. (which i don't understand 90% of the time) Just want to let you know how pretty you are and don't ever let anyone put you down. You are pretty and you should be proud of what you have. (: don't let the judgments of others affect you. Embrace it, and live it out. (:

I don't have a photo with just you and me Iris, i hope i will have one someday. (: Thanks for always tolerating my monthly bitch tantrums and being so motivational. Its nice to finally know you instead of just hearing your voice from across the floor. (hint PPS days...) You might not take the same diploma course as us but please remember us (and me hehe). Thank you for always dropping whatever you're doing just to help me in my math. (': and for repeating yourself because i don't understand the question. You're always so patient with me and i really, really appreciate that. (:

I love you jags. I felt like i had to post this because you all have made my days so much more enjoyable and so much more fulfilling. 

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