Wednesday 17 July 2013


Loads of assignments and tests piling up lately. But i guess thats normal when you're in poly and all. Sometimes i want to crawl back to zhonghua while other times i just feel like sticking my butt onto the chair and spend time with my jags.

Had bfast with momsie before school today and i did tell her how much i loathe the campus's size and space and basically everything about the campus. I told her how i wished i was in NP/SP where their campus grounds are much bigger than mine. But then she told me how not everyone can fit in in that school. Which might happen to me.

Anyway, the exciting thing about this month is that its J U L Y! Favourite month of the year since its my birthday month! I have this feeling that it won't be as eventful as last year's. (What if the jags forgot about my birthday...)

Paranoia, paranoia jy. ):

Found these in my computer and i miss you girls like hell. )': I still doubt myself whenever i think of pfp and it being a right choice. I can't stand going to school without seeing their faces. I wish our friendship will be one that will last us till we grow old.

I miss you girls. xx

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