Friday 6 April 2012

Good Friday

Its been such a long time since i wrote anything. Finally found myself and avenue for my own free writings. -yay- Sometimes all you really need is courage.

Silly me forgot my username & password to my onsugar account so...even if i wanted to go back to blogging, its kinda impossible. Totally lost count of the number of times i've changed my blogs because i was so unhappy. Oh wells, turning 16 this year. -finally- NC16 movies for me soon, no? I'm just trying to take things from a different perspective. Who wouldn't want to go back to childhood days when all you sort of cry over for is your broken crayons?

I don't have any more crayons to cry for. Not that i want to anyway. I know God will guide me thru'. I just need to believe that.

Going out with my beloved owner today. Gonna try to not type anything too depressing since the sky is dark. Its gonna rain. It always rains on Good Fridays. Cos thats when God cried over Jesus's death, am i right?

Still getting used to blogger though i would very much want to ram my head against the wall for forgetting my onsugar account. Now i can't even take it down if i wanted to. Hmph. Ohvells, its never too late to start afresh, right?
